Monday, January 31, 2011

Won't you sit & stay a while?

Welcome to Our Parlor...please have a seat.
I can serve you Tea..Coffee or perhaps a glass of wine?
Our 1850 Victorian settee set are more comfortable than they look. I have draped a crocheted cloth my Grandmother made for her dining room table.
I like to keep vintage postcards under the glass of the oval tray table.
Some of my vintage needlework collection is hung over the set as well as some wonderful old pictures I love to collect.

Sorry about the camera flash..
Well I hope you enjoyed your visit and do come back anytime. I love sharing my treasures. Have a great week!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Welcome & thank you for stopping in for a visit!
Every time I pass this old typewriter in our reading room I think of my Father In-Law and can't help but smile.
He used to plunk away writing letters to his Family and sometimes just type the alphabet because he enjoyed the noise it made.
I have collected some really interesting old books and have promised myself I will read all of them someday..
The beautiful young lady in the photo is a Family member on my Father's side.
I hope you enjoyed your visit today..
Take care!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vintage Love..

Sharing today somethings that are very special to me..Valentine cards that were given to my Father. He was born in 1923 and his treasured Valentines were passed down to me when he passed away at age 53.
His collection is a mix of store bought and hand made cards as well.
This sweet little card folds out and is in such good condition. When you think of the age of the cards it is really amazing.

These are the hand made cards given to him by his school mates.

It makes me smile to hold these little cards and remember my Father and to know a little piece of him is always with me.
Thank you for joining me today with my Memories of my Father who left this world far to soon.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some of my Vintage Bling

Hello & welcome to my Blog today. I am sharing some photos of my Vintage Bling collection that I love to decorate with and wear daily. The beautiful Pink brooch above is a piece I purchased at a B & B we stayed at in P.E.I. a few years ago and I think it is my favorite. The sweet Bear in the photo was made from a coat that belonged to my Mother and is very dear to me.
I seem to be drawn to the clear gems lately so there are quite a few in this post.
Cameo's are so beautiful and I have attached this one to my lamp shade in our Parlor so I can enjoy it everyday.

Amber stones are wonderful too and look so pretty on a black suit or sweater.
Above is my birthstone doesn't love Purple!
Thank you for stopping in today..I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my Vintage collection of Bling. Have a wonderful week!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

New England Tapestry

Well I am finally getting around to framing the tapestry we purchased on our vacation to New England! Better late than never I guess..I loved it at first sight and had the Antique shop remove it from it's existing frame so I could bring it home on the air plane.
Believe it or not I had this frame in my collection of old frames in our basement and since we are trying to weed through pieces we no longer need I discovered it was the perfect size and style.
One of my career paths was working in a framing shop and you would not believe the frames I dragged home when clients wanted them removed from their art work to put on modern metal frames. I could not let them head off to the garbage bin where they were supposed to be going so of course I collected more than I needed.
I can't wait to get it put together and hung in the Parlor!
Thank you for stopping in again today..I love your visits and comments! Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, January 21, 2011

My Before & After Comfy Chair

Thank you for stopping in today for a visit. I am sharing with you today one of my newly recovered comfy chairs.
While on a weekend trip to South Dakota I found some wonderful fabrics at Hobby Lobby and decided to recovered two of our vintage chairs. I thought I would have the cushions covered in a Toile fabric on one side and a matching fabric on the other side of the seat for a different look.
I fell in love with the Toile..and I am hoping there will be fabric left so I can recover two vintage foot stools as well to match.
This is the chair before..
Our other chair is a little smaller but a similar style so I am hoping they will look great together. I will share photos of the pair once the smaller chair is finished.
Have a great weekend!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Colours...

Welcome & thank you for stopping in for a visit today! As I have mentioned in past posts my Sweetie and I are downsizing to a Condo in the next year or so and I have decided to add another colour scheme to our decor. What do you think?
Our collection of Victorian art has allot of sepia colouring and seems to go well with the colours I have chosen.
The mercury glass look that is now in every store I see really goes well with my tarnished silver pieces that I used to feel I needed to keep shiny. Lol ... much easier not to polish the pieces!

Two of our 1920 wing chairs are off to be recovered in these tones and I will share with you before and after photos once I get them back. Today I found some wonderful fabric to recover a few stools we have so they will go wonderfully with the new look.

Thanks again for stopping in and I will share more with you as I get the new look more together. Have a wonderful week ahead.
Blessing from Our home to Yours..