Thursday, July 26, 2012

Family Piece

Welcome! Today I am sharing my Mother In Law's dresser which I am assuming is from the early 1900's.  Since we moved a year ago to our condo we have had this piece down in our storage unit. It took me one year to convince my Sweetie that I should paint this piece. We brought it up into the Dining room so I could store some of my vintage linens in it and I am now thinking I don't want to paint it. It is in rough shape for sure but it goes so nicely with the other woods in the room. I am sure it will not escape the paint brush or stain refinishing for very long but for now she will stay as she is until I can make up my mind.   

I love the decorative handles!

Some of my tarnished pieces have made their way onto her top. I sure struggle with the look of tarnished silver. I love the look but when I do finally polish it I love that look as well.

The toile runner I have sewn for the top is one of my favourite fabrics and I have used it to cover the seats of chairs as well as new covering for a few small stools.

This is one of my treasures we picked up in Victoria B.C. and I love it for serving iced tea.

The three pictures below are by the artist Jan Korthals who was born in 1916 and lived in Holland until his death in 1973. I am drawn to his art and have five larger pieces of Paris & area. 

These three pictures are of Delft, Amsterdam & Nymegen in the Netherlands. We are hoping to visit The Netherlands for a month in 2013 so we are really looking forward to finding some more treasures while we are there.

I hope you enjoyed your visit today! Thank you for stopping in...



Sunday, July 15, 2012

Have you ever done a House exchange for Vacation?

Hello my Blogging friends! Have any of you ever done a Vacation where you exchange your home with someone from another part of the World? My Sweetie and I have registered with a few Web sites that offer this service of connecting vacationers with each other to exchange your homes and vehicles as well in some situations.
It seems to be a wonderful way to explore the World while not having the expense of Hotels or   B & B's.
Our friends have done an exchange to the Netherlands and are looking forward to going again in 2013. 
Since we are retiring in 2013 we have decided to give this option a try so we can spread our vacation funds farther each year and see how many areas on the map we can explore.
I will keep you posted on how we make out! 

Have a wonderful week ahead!



Monday, July 2, 2012


                                                                     Hello & Welcome! 
Happy Canada Day weekend to my Canadian friends and Happy 4th of July week to my American friends!
What great countries we live in! As I hear the World News I realize every day just how very lucky we are.  
Have a great week ahead my friends!   

