Saturday, October 18, 2014

Private Tea Houses in The Netherlands

Welcome.... today I am sharing photos of the private tea houses we came across on our boat rides with Jacoba & Leon in the Netherlands. These lovely gems are along the rivers & canals of some glorious private mansions. We would call them boat houses in Canada and they would not be as fanciful as these beauties. I can imagine the fun I would have decorating one of these...

A glimpse of the inside of one we passed...

I hope you enjoyed your visit today, have a great weekend!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fall Colours...

Hello & Welcome...
This Lusterware bowl that belonged to my Grandmother evokes images of Fall with all its colours in their glory. 

My Mother remembered it sitting on the farmhouse table when she was a child. Her Mother (my maternal Grandmother) passed away when my Mother was six years of age and having this bowl meant allot to her. When she passed it on to me I was deeply touched and will treasure it until I pass it on to my Daughter In Law. 

This week I came across this sweet tea towel from April Cornnel goes perfectly with our Shophie Conran china.   

I could not get a great photo of the cute little silver crown spoons we found while in The Netherlands but it gives you an idea of what they are like. The spoon in the sugar bowl is Sterling and the crown is very detailed. The other four we bought are silver plate and although very nice the details are not as intricate. 

Another reason I was drawn to the tea towel was the fact it reminded me of vintage barkcloth, which I love....

The print below was purchased at The Louvre Museum shop and I found the perfect mat and frame at our local thrift shop. Unfortunately I have misplaced the title of the print and will have to do some research on it. 

Our weather has taken a turn towards cooler temperatures and we are busy planning our escape to Arizona.
Thank you for stopping in again.
Life is good... Take care...