Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving to my American Friends!!

I just wanted wish all my American friends a Happy Thanksgiving!
This large platter was found at a local Goodwill store near us and it goes lovely with our brown & white transferware. 
Enjoy your family time & all the Black Friday sales...
I am thankful for your friendship...

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Butterflies & some Christmas decor in Arizona

Hello my fellow Bloggers & friends!
I am sharing some butterfly photos my Sweetie has taken the past few days. He is continuing the photography classes again this winter and I am loving every one.

I am not sure why but whenever I see these butterflies I think of my parents who have passed away and I smile... The summer after my Father had passed away over 36 years ago I was out in my garden and about ten of these beauties gathered around me and one landed on my arm, staying with me for a few minutes. 
 Very comforting...

Below you can see a little metal reindeer and Christmas tree, it sure feels odd believing it is Christmas soon. We are experiencing 74 degrees this weekend which I am loving the cooler temperatures as 90 degrees is just too hot for me.  
The stores are filled with christmas decor and I finally gave in and bought a few pieces. 

The couple we purchased our Park Model home from left us around eight large containers full of Christmas lights and decor but we took most of them to the local Goodwill as we were wanting a more silver decor theme. 
Hopefully I will get more of the Christmas spirit later in December but it is hard when we are so used to cold and snowy temperatures. 
How are you doing on your Christmas decorating?

Thank you for stopping in and leaving your comments... I love hearing from all of you! Take care...


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Natures Beauty...

We headed South early this year and enjoyed all the beautiful countryside in all its glory...
Our journey is a twenty six hour drive to reach our winter home in Arizona but we took our time and spent three nights in hotels along the way.  

We love watching the sky and cloud formations along the journey so I thought I would share some of my favourite photos. I hope you enjoy them... 

The clouds below were so amazing to see and so massive.

We travelled through many States along the way, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and back to Arizona. Each time we come we are going to try and take different routes back home so we can experience the beauty of the landscapes. 

I am so amazed with the difference in the terrain from our home in Canada to The Netherlands where we spent the summer and in the States we passed through along our journey South. So beautiful but so different in every way...
Life is Good! Enjoy...

Thank you for taking the time to stop in today. 