Friday, May 20, 2016

Family Treasure...

Welcome to my little Blog...

Today I am sharing a family treasure gifted to me by my Sister & Brother In Law...
The silver tray was my Brother In Law's Mother's and I feel blessed to have it in our home...
I will share the matching silver cream & sugar set in a later post.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs, Wanda

Friday, May 13, 2016

Small change...

It is hard to tell in the photos but we changed out the colour of the cover on our IKEA Ektorp sofa. The top cover is the lofallet beige which we are now enjoying and the cover below is the vittaryd white cover. When we purchased the sofa we had boughten two of the white covers so we would have a change out one while the other was being laundered. 
Since Sweetpea loves to sleep on the sofa I was having to wash the cover every few weeks. Now with the beige one I am dealing with the dust allot better and I am making sure he is clean when he comes in from his walks. Allot of the walking paths are gravel so the dust is high.

My sweetie snapped a photo of Sweetpea and I while we were basking in the sunshine...since he is the white colour of my hair and I was wearing grey I decided to make the photo b&w...

The reflections in one of our ponds was so amazing I wanted to share the photo with you along with two more below that my sweetie shot in the gardens. 
Thank you for stopping in...have a wonderful weekend!


Monday, May 2, 2016


Welcome to Paris...
In some respects it seems like yesterday and in others it seems like a lifetime ago...
In July it will be two years since we did the seven week Home Exchange to the Netherlands... We took the train to Paris for a four days and loved every minute... I hope you enjoy your small glimpse while you are here...

Our Dutch friends are going to our Arizona home for the month of October so we will be heading back to the Netherlands in 2017 for our part of the 2nd exchange...
We can't wait to explore new areas and visit friends we met while we were there... 
Thank you for stopping in today...
