Friday, June 11, 2010

More Pinks

Thank you for stopping in today...I missed registering for Pink Saturday this week but wanted to post some of my Pinks..
The top photo is some more items on our mantel. The photo is of my Great Grandmother Agnes and the sweet little blond girl is my Grandmother Laura. My great aunt Alice is holding the flower bouquet and Uncle Ray is sitting on her Agnes's lap. My Grandmother passes away at 32 years of age in childbirth so I treasure this photo...
I love collecting vintage post rose collection is my favorite. They are under glass on this oval tray table in our Parlor.

I dabbled in stain glass design for a few years and this is the first piece I created.

This sweet little jug is made in Germany and I love the delicate shape and of course the rose decoration.
Have a wonderful weekend & please stop in again..


  1. I love all your pink things! Your vintage picture is wonderful. I just love old family photos. What a beautiful way to display your postcards. And your pitcher from Germany is lovely.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I am a follower of yours and so even tho you didn't make it in time for the ps list, I wouldn't miss your lovely post. I think the jug is gorgeous, I love it. I too do some stained glass and think your window is so pretty. I would love to see more, Happy Pink Saturday sweetie, Char

  3. Hi Wanda :) What a precious photo you've shared with us, How very special! Loving your pinks you shared, especially the pretty vintage rose postcards (I collect them too!), and I adore that sweet little jug!

    Have a great weekend! Warmest Hugs, Brenda

  4. Hi: What a great way to display your vintage card collection. I love all your pinks today, especially that pitcher. It is just stunning. Thanks so much for letting us take a peek. Blessings, Martha

  5. Hi Wanda,
    Happy Pink Saturday to you!
    You have another fabulous little pitcher...gorgeous!! I love your postcards too! I have collected a few holiday themed. I enjoy the writing on the backs.. I have a great one where a young girl is telling her sister how she is tatting lace to sell.. Priceless!

  6. I love your cards under the glass on your table. And that chocolate pitcher is to die for. Great post. Happy PS


  7. I collect vintage post cards too! Love the lot of yours :)

  8. oh i love your sweet pinks!
    the stained glass is such a wonderful creation! and the way you put your collectable cards under the glass coffee table in your living room....i used to do that too with an old table i had....

    so pretty!
    i'm glad you shared! and also...
    i wanted to thank you for stopping in to see me...i'm finished reading for the day...and now am playing with my crochet art journal entry...come by and have a peek!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  9. Oh Wanda, your stained glass is beautiful. Is it difficult to create? I adore that sweet pitcher too. I enjoy the beauty you surround yourself with.
    hugs to you from here
