Sunday, September 26, 2010


Memories....aren't they a blessing! Today I am sharing with you some Memories of my Mother's that she had passed on to me.
This beautiful picture was a wonderful memory for my Mother as it hung over the dining room table on the Family farm. She remembers it from childhood and she has since given it to me to treasure!

This next photo is one of the shots from our front porch. Our home was built in 1924 and we found this wooden beadboard in the basement when we removed some walls and reused it in the front is 8 ft high and then we added a plate rail above to the 10 ft ceilings.

This pretty lustreware bowl was another piece from my Mother's childhood and it was filled with apples on her Family dining room table. It reminds me of Fall so I usually bring it out to use this time of year.

These next photos are again from the front porch and I was lucky enough to be given the long photo from WW1 and the troup includes my Mother's Grandfather.

This old wood walking stick was found in the garage of this home when we purchased it.

Thank you for coming to visit today..I hoped you enjoyed my Memories..


  1. Wanda.....these are really sweet memories and you speak so lovingly of your mom :) :) :) you know...I really like what you did with the headboard...very nice and beautiful :) :) I wonder about the man or woman who owned that walking stick you found in the basement :)...and I have a washboard just like the one that's standing in front of the walking stick. Mine is a glass washing surface. It's new, from Lehman's....but it's made to look like the older ones :) :) These are great photos. Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  2. Love that Lusterware Bowl! Beautiful!


  3. Dearest Wanda,

    Sure I loved this walk along Memory Lane with you. That's the fabric we're made off, the culture our parents and their parents did pass on to us. So we ought to treasure it!

    Have a great week, with greetings from Georgia,


  4. What a wonderful walk down Memory Lane, My Mom loved birds also, how special! happy Weekend to you! XOXO

  5. What a nice collection of family memories you have. Your luster ware bowl with its lovely colors is perfect for fall!

  6. What a wonderful treasures from your mum, these are such beautiful touchable memories...

    Regards, Veronique

  7. deaer wanda,
    your mom has sure passed on to you a lot of treasurs... thank you for taking us along this wonderful walk along Memory Lane.I've enjoyed every single pics you've shown and that lusterware bowl is simply gorgeous. I can almost picture it in my mind filled with apples in the Family room...

  8. Dear Wanda,
    What beautiful family treasures for a truly beautiful person!!!!

  9. Hi Wanda,
    What wonderful finds and treasures! I do love beadboard! Your mom has passed on some wonderful treasures for you to enjoy! Thank you for sharing and taking us on a walk down Memory Lane. Enjoy your day.


  10. Hi Wanda,
    You do have some lovely treasures and the beadboard was a great find!


  11. What lovely treasures, Wanda! Thanks for sharing some of your special memories with us. :)
    ~ Jo

  12. Hi Wanda

    Loved the glimpse into your Mum's treasures and your front porch!


  13. Your Mother had some beautiful things... the painting is AWESOME!!!!

  14. Dear Wanda,
    What a lovely peaceful blog you have! So glad to have found you. And yes, memories are such a great blessing - one of God's greatest gifts to us, I think!
    I'm proud to now become your 79th Follower!
    P.S. We are just about to start renovating a home from the 1860! At the moment it's filled with handmade imported Italian furniture that I hope -God willing - to someday bring back to it's original splendor.
