Monday, February 14, 2011

New Colours

 Hello & thank you for stopping in again today! I am sharing some of our new colours that we are getting together for a bit of a new look.
 I have chosen the silver blue tones from the colour in our vintage wool carpets from 1920's.
 As I have mentioned in a past post I had the two 1930 wing chairs recovered and although the chairs are a little different in style I think they make a lovely pair.
 One side of the cushions is in a Toile fabric and the other is in the same fabric as the body of the chair for a different look. I am waiting for a special order of the Gimp to finish the chair on the left but the chair should be finished next week. 
 My little vintage cradle is holding a doll quilt my Mother made for me when I was six ears old and a violin that was in my Family for generations.

 The seating area faces our fireplace for a cozy spot to sit and read a book or chat about your day.
I hope you enjoyed your visit and please stop in again..take care.



  1. Oh Wanda, I love it all!!! What a beautiful, stately room and you have classic taste--Oh girl, you know what looks fabulous!!!

    Happy Valentine's Day~sending hugs to you and your hubby!!!

  2. I didn't even notice that the chairs weren't a pair until you said so. I LOVE that!! Everything looks wonderful!
    Patricia :o)

  3. Hi Wanda,

    Your room looks lovely and the grey colour so beautiful with the carpet.
    Happy Valentines day.


  4. Trovo questi colori molto belli e rilassanti,ciao,Rosetta

  5. Hello Wanda,
    I love your pretty room, everything is so cozy and inviting and lovely.

    Thanks for following my blog. I'm following yours now and will be back often.


  6. very nice room Wanda:)
    a kiss, Olga

  7. I love the chairs and the room looks absolutely fantastic ~ thanks for stopping by~ ;-)

  8. What a pretty room. Of course, I am crushing and gushing over your incredible old rose rug!!!!

    Have a great weekend, Wanda!

  9. Hello Wanda...You are doing a great job with your new color scheme. Everything looks so nice. Ohhhh, I lOVE violin. Do you play? Great job! Susan p.s. Oh! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. Love when you visit!

  10. Hi Wanda,
    Oh, I thought you'd enjoy the Mardi Gras post--I thought it was fun to make it! I have heard of that performer, but now I will have to see if we can listen to him!!
    I hope you have a beautiful weekend!!

  11. Oh My Goodness Wanda, that carpet is GORGEOUS!!! I would buy your home just for that alone! The room is really amazing and so inviting that I think I will just hang out here for awhile. If you need to vacuum, I will just put my feet up and curl myself into one of these beautiful chairs.
    I love your beautiful home!!!!
    hugs to you...

  12. I LOVE that carpet. How wonderful it would be to still be able to buy that! I can certainly think of a room in the Shabby Old house whose floors it should grace. Lucky you to enjoy it every day.

  13. Hi Wanda,
    You have some beautiful treasures here...I LOVE victorian...the chocolate pot, the typewriter, and I'm with the other girls...the carpet...I had some like that before...they are so pretty and wear forever...THANKS for your sweet words at my place.
    Have a great day!

  14. Hi Wanda,
    Your room has all come together so beautifully! I love the carpet and the chairs and they match perfectly.
    Are you still getting wintry weather-we are getting more snow on Friday but we seem to get a few cm. everyday. This is way more snow then we had the last several winters.

    Take care,
