Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring...when are you coming to my city?

 Hello ladies ...I sure hope Spring has arrived to your part of the World.
We had a Winter storm warning yesterday but thank goodness the 6 inches of snow that was expected passed us by. We have some days that are 0 degrees and then we have melting..but cold again the next day! I am tired of it already....we bought lots of flowers for the house..tulips..roses..and anything else that was cheerful and colourful. Above I used a pink depression glass biscuit jar to hold my bouquet and a silver container for the plant below.    
Spring is usually my favorite Season but next year it has allot to make up for as this year Spring is letting me here's hoping the weeks ahead are brighter! Enjoy your Spring where ever you may be...


  1. Wanda, I have been asking that same question ~ Here in Michigan we had a major Winter storm that gave us sleet, some snow, and ice ~ one of our big trees that lines the front yard near the road came down last night, luckily it fell into our yard and not into the road! Thankfully hubby has a friend that will be coming in a day or two to take care of the mess. Spring will come, but it is not in any hurry around here, I guess.

    Those are some lovely flowers :)

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  2. Oh I am asking that very same question. The ice storm missed us ~ whew ~ but temps are really cold. Can't wait for spring ;-)

  3. Oh I am wondering the same thing. We have had one storm after another even tornadoes! Tornadoes in California? That is not normal let me tell you! We had winds last weekend of 59mph and expected to have the same today! I am willing to skip spring this year and go right to summer! :)

  4. well it was here earlier this week but now looks like it has left for the next week, oh well it just teased me...

  5. This has been the longest winter on record or at least seems so. When spring finally crawls out from under a snowbank, I'll be so happy to look at flowers. I just planned how I want to do a fenced in area in the back yard for flowers and herbs. Susan

  6. Love your blooms!! We had 7-8 inches!! Come see what my back yard looked like!


  7. Hi Wanda...It's Friday night. I cannot find an e-mail address for you. Wanted to say thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog. Always love having you stop by. Take care. Susan

  8. It sounds like here. We did get the 6" predicted for us yesterday and more snow overnight...rats!
    Your blooms are making up for the drearyness here today so thank you very much for the beauty boost my friend!

  9. Hi Wanda,
    Winter returned here for the weekend also. We did get a few inches of snow and a cold wind-hopefully this is the end of winter!
    Lovely to have such pretty bouquets indoors though.
    Take care,
