Thursday, June 23, 2011

Poppy Love....

 Ahhh Poppy LOvE!

Every year when the poppy's open I fall in love with them all over again..

What is your favorite flower?

Thank you for stopping in today! 


  1. Hi Wanda,
    I love the poppies too. I guess you are busy with packing now?


  2. Hi Wanda,
    Thanks for your comment- the skirt and lace sweater came from the States. The little victorian camisole came from Winner's in Halifax.I am glad you liked it-the skirt is very light and flowing.


  3. Beautiful, I have always wanted to grow them but haven't so far!

  4. Hi Wanda,
    Poppies are such pretty flowers. I don't have any in my garden and probably won't plant any because we are having an awful time with the crows. Every red flower we have the crows have picked off. As for my favourite, I have many but I guess the rose would have to be at the top. Have a wonderful weekend.


  5. HI Wanda,

    Up until a couple of years ago, I was only familiar with the orange California poppy. There's a poppy that grows here in Oregon...called a crepe poppy?...I think that's what it's called because the petals are reminiscent of crepe paper ;) :) Thanks for sharing these pictures :) :) Love a nd hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  6. Hi Wanda,
    When we sold our parents house I took some seeds of the purple puppy that was growing there. It has now spread in our garden and surprisingly enough blooms this year in purple, lilac and red individually.
    It is difficult to have a favourite flower, all flowers are so beautiful. But recently I am sort of aware that all kinds of roses seem to be getting a lot of my intention.
    Happy weekend!

  7. Oh how beautiful, Wanda! I guess my favorite flowers are pink roses with Baby's Breath...I hope you're having a beautiful weekend, my friend!!!

  8. Wanda,
    Thanks for your visit!!

    I LOVE these beautiful poppies! The color is so vivid! I will have to look for some for my garden.
    Have a great weekend!!


  9. Thank you sweet friend for your note. I am doing well. Slept pretty much the first five days and today I felt so good.
    Your poppies are lovely!!! Don't you just adore them? Mine are blooming now too, and I am enjoying their blooms today.
    I can never decide what my favorite flower is, I love so many!!!

    I also loved the pretty garden ornaments you have. I love it when people take the time to add those touches to their spaces. It adds so much.
    sending hugs from here...

  10. Poppies are so brilliant! I love them in masses. Hollyhocks are my favorite summer flower.
