Saturday, December 31, 2011


As I reflect on 2011 I realize how lucky we are to have good health.. great Family & Friends!

2012 is going to be even better.. I can feel it in my bones! Blogging has opened my eyes to new ideas and I have met such new wonderful Friends! The talent I have seen and the energy some of you lovely Ladies have amazes me to this day! Every day of 2012 will be spent looking at the lovely photos in my calendar above.. thank you June!

Please sit and share a cup of tea with me.. and for Goodness sakes please eat some of these chocolates! I can't seem to stop.. 

I am loving the new look on our mantle below. Two of my favourite things.. Red wine & Vintage lace... (No I do not have a problem with the wine lol)

I am in love with my Tag from June @

2011 brought us a new move to a small town of 1200 residences situated in a lovely valley 20 minutes from the larger city we were both born & raised.

We are really loving condo life!

2011 also brought us a new Grand Daughter Kylie.. isn't she sweet? 

Her older sister Vayda is so excited to have a sister and below she is dancing on Christmas day. I have decided I am going to dance more too in 2012.

Below are our Grandsons Tait, Rylan & Donovan and are they growing up so fast!

Thank you for stopping in today and I hope 2012 brings you Love.. Laughter and Good Health!



  1. Your new Grandaughter has to be the highlight. I am glad you like your new home..what a change it was!

    Happy New Year!


  3. Happy New Year to you and your family! May this year bring you all good things!

  4. Wishing you and yours a new year filled with joy and happiness.

  5. Awww, wishing you a Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family!!!!

  6. Hi Wanda,
    Happy New Year to you too-sounds like you will be kicking up your heels soon!


  7. Hello Wanda...Oh, your grandchildren are darling...the little girls? Peaches. They must fill your heart with so much love.

    Hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you and for all your family, too.

    Thank you so much, Wanda, for all your visits and comments to my blog. I will cherish all the upcoming visits in 2012. Susan

  8. Hi Wanda!
    What precious grandchildren you have!
    You have been blessed!
    Happy New Year!
    hugs from here

  9. Hi Wanda,
    Thanks for sharing all of your lovelies with me today, especially your beautiful family.

    hugs and Happy New Year!


  10. Happy New Year to you too!!! You're right-health and good friend and family-what more can we ask for! And Grandchildren are just the icing on the cake-the little ones are especially cute!

    PS-I love that rug in your living room-wherever did you find it?

    Best wishes in 2012!!!

  11. Thanks ladies for your wonderful comments!
    Rebecca this carpet was a treasure we found in our neighbours house sale. They are wool and from the early 1920's I think. They had two huge pieces that were wrapped in brown paper in the attic of their home. We had carpets cut and bond to fit our 30 foot sitting rom in our last house. I believe we paid $50.00 for the pieces and under $200.00 to have them made to fit. We are only using one of them in the condo as the bedrooms have carpet but I think the carpet has to go in the master bedroom so I can use the other carpet! They are even more beautiful in person and I treasure them! Thanks

  12. My dear, I'd like to wish you and your dear family a so Happy and Wonderful New Year full of so much blessings and love! Thanks so much, my dear, for all the beautiful inspirations you share with all of us! Love all of them so much! Kisses, Rachel :))))))

  13. Wanda,
    Blogging does open the world, doesn't it? I spotted your floral wool rug in your sitting area...I have a few of those and I love them!
    Happy New Year!

  14. Hi dear friend,
    I would love to be there eating all your chocolates for you today. I am finally out of the candy and goodies from Christmas and needing a 'fix' about now. It seems to always take about two weeks to get my sweet tooth tamed back down...and here you are tempting me with chocolate!
    You are so sweet to show my little tag and January from the calendar. I hope everyday of 2012 is a perfect day, and even when they aren't perfect you will have enough joy from the good days to help you through the not so good ones.
    Your little grands are darling...even those big boys. Don't they look thrilled to have their picture taken :O
    Little Kylie and her darling big sis must be so fun right now at their ages.
    I love your beautiful home Wanda. And of course I'm still coveting your living room rug!!!
    have a wonderful weekend dear one.
    much love from me...

  15. Hi Wanda,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!! I hope you're having a great weekend!!!

  16. Hi Miss Wanta! Thank you so much for stopping by yesterday and wishing my hubster a happy b-day. We had a great day!

    I love all your pictures. Are you just LOVIN' living with the down-sizing??? As I've grown older I'm so thankful I don't live in a bigger home. Can't keep the one I have clean as it is!

    Love you~

