Saturday, December 31, 2011


As I reflect on 2011 I realize how lucky we are to have good health.. great Family & Friends!

2012 is going to be even better.. I can feel it in my bones! Blogging has opened my eyes to new ideas and I have met such new wonderful Friends! The talent I have seen and the energy some of you lovely Ladies have amazes me to this day! Every day of 2012 will be spent looking at the lovely photos in my calendar above.. thank you June!

Please sit and share a cup of tea with me.. and for Goodness sakes please eat some of these chocolates! I can't seem to stop.. 

I am loving the new look on our mantle below. Two of my favourite things.. Red wine & Vintage lace... (No I do not have a problem with the wine lol)

I am in love with my Tag from June @

2011 brought us a new move to a small town of 1200 residences situated in a lovely valley 20 minutes from the larger city we were both born & raised.

We are really loving condo life!

2011 also brought us a new Grand Daughter Kylie.. isn't she sweet? 

Her older sister Vayda is so excited to have a sister and below she is dancing on Christmas day. I have decided I am going to dance more too in 2012.

Below are our Grandsons Tait, Rylan & Donovan and are they growing up so fast!

Thank you for stopping in today and I hope 2012 brings you Love.. Laughter and Good Health!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The "Boys" say Merry Christmas!

The "Boys" spent the day at the Spa today & are now ready to start the Holidays!

Sweetpea is being shy for the camera...

P.C. is looking really tough in this shot but he is the big softy! 

Merry Christmas to you & your Families!
Blessing to all...

Wanda, Sweetpea & P.C.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

May your Holiday Season be Filled with Love...

Remembering the reason for the Season...
Creating wonderful Memories...

Blessing to you & your Family's as you spend the Holidays together...
Blessings from Our Home to Yours...



Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays my Friends! Don't you just love the excitement and wonder of the Season?

I finally got the tree up last week when my Sweetie was on a Business trip. One of our "Boys" below has been laying under the tree every chance he gets and messing up my tree skirt! I had better get some gifts wrapped so he to keep out of the skirt. Sweetpea (I know sounds like a girl) has always loved getting among lace curtains or pillows and he loves to drape himself in anything decorative. It is the funniest thing.. he is my decorator puppy. I should snap photos of him doing this and I would have a great post for all to enjoy. 

Sweetpea loves to walk under the tree and make the glass bell ring when it touches his wailing tail!
The next photos are just shots of some of my favourite decorations.

I really love the way the vintage Christmas postcards add to my decor. 

Thank you for taking the time to stop in today... Below my sister & I (on Santa's lap) in 1961. Oh the Memories...


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Some new sparkly things...

Hello Friends! Thank you for stopping in to see me today... I seem to be attracted to sparkly things this Season! The small mercury glass looking ornaments are so sweet and I am planning to add some silver ribbons to each one. They were found on my weekly visit to Home Sense (Canadian version of TJ Maxx) 

This hand made wooden star was in our local florist shop and the owner had glued the sparkly silver Christmas balls to the inside form.. I loved it at first sight!

The three floral balls were also at the Florist on clearance so they really had to come home with me and rest themselves on my silver tray... more glitz!

I am slowly getting the Condo decorated for the Holidays.. My Sweetie is on a Business trip this week coming up so I plan to watch allot of Girly Movies and decorate the tree as well. Have a wonderful week ahead and thank you for your comments they mean the World to me!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Our Sweet New Grand Baby

Hello & Welcome
I would like to introduce you to our Sweet Grand Baby Kylie Marie
She was born Wednesday morning at 5 am weighing in at 7 lbs 3 ozs. 

She is such a Doll and doing well considering she was three weeks early. I am thinking she would have been the size of her Daddy if she would have been full term and her Mommy is happy she was born early. Our son weighed 9 lbs 12 ozs when he was born almost 32 years ago. 

I felt very honoured to be asked to sit with her and our Daughter In Law the day she was born as our Son went home to have a sleep after a long night of Labour. The photo above was the first time I got to meet her and I enjoyed the day getting to know her. Isn't Life a Miracle... Blessings to you and your Loved ones!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

It all started with...My New Red Transfer ware Creamer

Well hello and welcome! My photos and post today started with me wanting to share my newest treasure. For some reason I have never located a red creamer to compliment my tea set. Last week I found one on Ebay and the shipping was not too bad so I snagged it for a good price.

I love the look of different patterns in the red transfer ware... I am putting the kettle you have time for a cup of tea?

                                                                      Isn't she a beauty?

I love my little Spode demitasse cups ... I only have three so I am always on the lookout for a fourth. 

The little framed stitched piece is so special to me... I don't remember where I found it but I love it. My Father passed away when I was 20 years old and he was my age now (53) so it really makes you think.... although I wish I would have had him share my adult life I know he is with me always.

Below are a stack of more plates just waiting to be used for lunch or perhaps a tasty dessert.

I hope you have enjoyed your cup of tea and Our short visit... please stop in again soon. Have a wonderful weekend filled with Family.. Love.. & Laughter!
