Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fashion of 1870

Hello my Fellow Bloggers
Today I am sharing 4 etchings that hang in our Master bedroom. They show us the fashions of 1870. I would love to travel back in time if only for a week and wear some of these beautiful gowns. The Romance of the era really appeals to me but the hardships of the 1800's also scares me a little. Please enjoy... 

 The workmanship is so intricate and the fabric's & colours are amazing.

I love the little boots she is wearing..

I hope you enjoyed your visit today. Have a wonderful week!



  1. Lovely etchings. Great clothes! Although I am happy clothes are a bit lighter to wear nowadays :-)

    Happy day,

    Madelief x

  2. The costumes are divine, such detail, ruffles, fringe and all kinds of trim. Far cry from fashion today with 3 inch long skits. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  3. I'm like you Wanda! I would love to go back in time with you and we could really have a great time taking tea together in our pretty frocks. To be truthful, sometimes I watch the same movies over and over just to see the clothes : )
    sending hugs...

    1. I believe we would have a blast June! I think that is why I enjoy watching old movies and series is for the wardrobes etc. Downton Abbey is a series from around 1910 and I have just starting following it.. you would enjoy it! Take care..

  4. Oh Wanda,
    your etchings are g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s. and I have no difficulty at all in picturing myself in such romantic gowns. But on the other hand you are so right about the hardships of those times...so maybe better enjoy what I have today and just daydream of what I would have loved in those times. After all dreaming is free!

  5. Wanda,
    These are so beautiful! Even though I can not imagine wearing dresses like this myself!!


  6. Hi Wanda....Lovely fashions in the day, weren't they? Wow wow wow But I would not have wanted to wear them. Oh Lordy Lord....bustles upon bustles? I would probably look like a walking house. ha ha ha

    Thanks so much for your visit to my blog today and your comment, too. Always nice to have you visit. Susan

  7. Hi Wanda,
    What beautiful etchings!! and so gentile! How are you? Great, I hope!
    I hope that you are having a fabulous weekend, my friend~((((hugs))))

    1. I am doing great Cindy thanks for asking! I hope you had a blast at Mardi Gras celebrations this year! We really must travel back to New Orleans some day as it was one of our favourite vacations. Have a good week!

  8. Hi Wanda,
    Can you imagine the hours spent on one gown, the yards and craftmanship that went into it? No dry cleaner around if you dropped something on your dress or tripped in the mud. Charming, though, and so nice it is called caught in nice pictures. Who knows whether you enjoyed this all in a former life?!?
    Happy Sunday,

    1. Hello Jacoba I can imagine these gowns got pretty dirty at times and yes I do believe I likely did wear one of these in a former life! Would it not be great to know for sure? Take care!

  9. I would like to travel back in time and admire the gowns as YOU are wearing them.
    I can barely stand up in jeans in a t-shirt at times, and I'm always dribbling something down on "the girls" - imagine how hard it must have been to keep those old gowns looking clean & fresh!



  10. Hi Wanda,

    The etchings are wonderful and I love the beautiful frocks and hats, they always seemed to be so elegant and polished.
    I too would love to be able to go back and wear some of these gowns.

    Happy week

  11. What amazing clothes! Can you imagine?? Love the prints too! Nice that you have a grouping. Happy Spring!

  12. Gorgeous gowns ...but I guess if you could afford to wear these beauties then you could afford a "staff" to do all of the hard work for you....cleaning and cooking in those dresses would be kind of tough. :0)

    I would love to wear one and go to a ball...just for fun!

  13. Hi Wanda,
    I have an award for you over at my blog. wanna pop over?
