Sunday, June 21, 2015

Blue Sealers

Hello my Fellow Blogging friends...
It seems like I have not posted in a very long time!
We are now home for a month and heading back to B.C. in July. I must say it was nice being home surrounded by my treasures. 
I am sharing my love of vintage blue sealers.... They go perfectly with my Duck Egg Blue painted pieces!

I have placed them on the 1920's dresser I have used as a linen chest in our dining room area. Sorry I didn't take a shot of it as it is painted in the Duck Egg Blue....

Our poor little Sweetpea was bored with all the photo taking so decided to take a nap...
I hope you enjoyed your visit today. Have a wonderful week ahead!



  1. Sweet Blessings to you today.
    You have some treasures there to enjoy.
    All the best,

  2. Summer just takes up all our time doesn't it? In a good way! Such a pretty color. Looks like you have some beauriful old jars in your collection. Wonderful display.

  3. Sweetpea is doing what I feel like doing today Wanda! What a sweet photo. I bet you are happy to be home home for awhile too. I love your sealers, and the view into your beautiful room!
    Have a great week dearest!
    hugs from here...

  4. Welcome back Wanda. Hope you had a lovely time on your travels! Your glass jars look beautiful. I have a thing for them as well. I collect them to put my garden flowers in. Yours are really pretty!

    Have a good week!

    Madelief x

  5. Nice you are back Wanda, Sweetpea looks so cute and sleepy. Lovely glass jars, especially the blue ones.
    Wish you a lovely new week!

  6. I'm loving the old blue jars as well, yours look lovely spread all around. Hope you had a great time.

  7. Good to hear from you, Wanda! You always, always, have the nicest of vintage. Love the blue jars... summer is the perfect time for them, too! Have a great week!

  8. Oh Wanda, those are such treasures!
    Oh my, I so appreciated your thoughts and your sweet visit while I was away healing!
    I'm so thankful for them, dear friend.
    Hope you have a great day!

  9. Just dropping in to say hello and to thank you for your comments while I've been away recovering from my heart issues! So kind of you to drop in and visit!
    Know you must be enjoying your summer!
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Just dropping in to say hello and to thank you for your comments while I've been away recovering from my heart issues! So kind of you to drop in and visit!
    Know you must be enjoying your summer!
    Have a great weekend!

  11. HI Wanda! Thanks so much for your visit today... you always have very sweet and genuine comments, a real blessing! Enjoy your week and weekend, Jill

  12. I hope you are loving every minute of your time in B.C Wanda. I just wanted to say hi and tell you I love it when I see you have stopped by. Are you going to be back in AZ for the winter. Have a wonderful Autumn my dear!
    sending hugs...

  13. Dear Wanda,

    Love your vintage blue jars and many thanks for your kind visit to my blog.
    Enjoy your weekend
