Sunday, April 25, 2010

Some of my Favorite Things....
I love collecting & wearing vintage jewelry! This brooch has a large Amethyst in the centre & two smaller ones on the sides, measures about 2 1/2 inches across and probably dates from the 1920's.
Vintage jewelry has such charm and delicate detail and often the pieces are one of a kind. In my collection I have a combination of fine jewelry and costume pieces as well and I almost prefer the costume pieces for wearing everyday. There is nothing nicer on a business suit or dress than a lovely vintage brooch to finish off the look. I will share some of my other pieces in future posts.
Another of my favorite things is red transferware china! This little tea cup & saucer are from England and sit upon my breakfast tray in our bedroom. I love this type of china so much I have purchased sets of newer dinnerware for everyday use and only use the older pieces as compliment pieces and for display purposes.
Have a wonderful week and I hope you enjoy collecting your treasures as much as I do!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome Spring to Saskatchewan!

What a beautiful week we are having...extra warm at 22 degrees. Spring is my favorite season by far..the promise of new growth..birds singing from the treetops..all of the beautiful flowers..I could go on and on! Nothing better than being able to open up all of the windows and enjoying the cool breeze flowing through the house..refreshing everything as it passes through. I plan on visiting my favorite garden centre this weekend to purchase some pots of panies to brighten up our entrance way and will have a hard time leaving the rest of the planting until mid May when we usually plant the planters.
Happy Spring to everyone!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Welcome to my first post..

I am hoping in the next week or so I am able to create a Blog page I would enjoy checking in on from time to time. Currently my Sweetie & I live in a 1924 two story home and are looking at possibly downsizing to a condo which would enable us to travel more once we retire. The only problem is..I love collecting antiques and seem to have way too many things to go into the next phase of our lives. Deciding what to keep and what to pass on to Family members is a difficult one for me as I have lovingly restored many of the pieces and fear I won't be able to part with them. My dream at one time was to own & run a Bed & Breakfast out of a historical home furnished with all of our treasures but as the years pass I realize the hard work it would take and I am rethinking the whole idea. Travelling and spending winters in a warmer climate sounds appealing at this point.

Retirement for my Husband is only a few years away so I guess we have sometime to figure out what we want to do so time will tell. Take care..