Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome Spring to Saskatchewan!

What a beautiful week we are having...extra warm at 22 degrees. Spring is my favorite season by far..the promise of new growth..birds singing from the treetops..all of the beautiful flowers..I could go on and on! Nothing better than being able to open up all of the windows and enjoying the cool breeze flowing through the house..refreshing everything as it passes through. I plan on visiting my favorite garden centre this weekend to purchase some pots of panies to brighten up our entrance way and will have a hard time leaving the rest of the planting until mid May when we usually plant the planters.
Happy Spring to everyone!!!


  1. hi Wanda,
    found your blog via a comment you left over at Rebecca's and got very intrigued by your blog name so decided to pop over.
    wow, I'm your first follower- what an honor!
    will stop again soon as I do not want to miss what you'll be coming up with next.
    What i see so far is very promising and inviting.
    havea a great sunday

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
