Thursday, April 15, 2010

Welcome to my first post..

I am hoping in the next week or so I am able to create a Blog page I would enjoy checking in on from time to time. Currently my Sweetie & I live in a 1924 two story home and are looking at possibly downsizing to a condo which would enable us to travel more once we retire. The only problem is..I love collecting antiques and seem to have way too many things to go into the next phase of our lives. Deciding what to keep and what to pass on to Family members is a difficult one for me as I have lovingly restored many of the pieces and fear I won't be able to part with them. My dream at one time was to own & run a Bed & Breakfast out of a historical home furnished with all of our treasures but as the years pass I realize the hard work it would take and I am rethinking the whole idea. Travelling and spending winters in a warmer climate sounds appealing at this point.

Retirement for my Husband is only a few years away so I guess we have sometime to figure out what we want to do so time will tell. Take care..

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