Saturday, October 22, 2011


 Hello my Blog Friends.. Welcome! I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Fall is so beautiful this year in Saskatchewan, Canada. The weather seems warmer than it has in past years and we are really enjoying living in the Valley.. so many changes in the foliage that we never experienced living in a larger city.  

I am sharing some of my favourite things again today.. tarnished silver seems to be one of them lately. It seems like a short while ago I felt I had to keep it shone and sparkling. Since I have been visiting many of your Blogs I have come to appreciate the tarnished look and I must say it sure is allot easier!

The 1920's cabinet that was my Grandmother's is filled to the brim with Family treasurers and some I have found along the way.

I just love this piece of a calendar from 1909!

My Family photo is my Great Grandmother Agnes and three of her children. The little sweetie beside her is my Grandmother Laura who I never met as she passed in 1938 in childbirth. The pieces I have inherited of hers have special meaning to me as I know she is with me every day.

The picture I am sharing is one of my favourites as well... I almost love the oak frame as much as the darling subject of the print. 

This little transferware jug was found at a local charity shop and I am on the lookout for more pieces as I love the colours. Pattern is Lake of the Two Mountains by Ridgway Staffordshire England "Heritage" 

Thanks again for stopping in.. I love your comments! Have a wonderful weekend filled with Love & Laughter!



  1. Looking at peoples favorite things tells a lot about them. I can see family means a lot to you. Thanks for sharing and stopping by, My Old Historic House. Richard

  2. Wanda, coming to your blog is like visiting a sweet neighbor. I feel like I am walking around your living room looking at all of the beautiful things you have collected through the years. I am especially taken with the family photo with your G-grandmother. Beautiful children! I love that the one little girl is holding a bouquet in her hands. I haven't seen that before in old family photos. So precious.
    I love the oak frame as well, what a beautiful oval frame to have. You really have kept the best of the best in your recent move. I am so happy to hear that you are loving your new surroundings.
    have a wonderful weekend dear friend!

  3. Hi Wanda,
    Oh your treasures are so special!!! and how precious that they are heirlooms, which makes them even more sentimental. Thank you so much for your sweet note---The surgery was yesterday so I can barely get on here today--typing fast!
    ((((hugs)))) from me,

  4. Hi Wanda,

    Lovely post you have shared and all your silver and old treasures are beautiful.
    I am like you and think life is too hard to keep polishing the silver all the time and the tarnished look is appealing.
    I love the sweet family photograph and the cute girl with chickens.

    Happy weekend

  5. Dear Wanda,
    Once again it is so good to hear that you are so happy in your new surroundings. Despite the down sizing you still have many dear and lovely treasures around you. Polishing silver is so tidious, you are right to leave it as it is. But!, if you are in a frenzy to polish it it is so beautiful.
    I love the handcraft of the previous century: the oak frame is so pretty.
    Thank you for your encouraging words on my blog: the house and garden are so empty. Fifteen years is a long time to share day in out with your dog.
    Have a happy Sunday! Here it is sunny but pretty cold with icy wind. Wonderful autumn.

  6. Lovely pictures of your treasures. I love the calendar ~ wow ~ your tarnished silver looks absolutely fantastic ;-)

  7. I didn't realize you were from that area! I have another bloggy friend that is there. Small world, eh?

    Your photo of the family is such a treasure. And all of your things are always AMAZING! Thank you for letting us take a peek.

  8. Hi Wanda,I love your treasures they are the kind of things I have and look for at sales. Also we have something else in common, our name Wanda, so nice to meet you. TTFN Wanda

  9. Oh Wanda

    the cupboard is wonderful and filled with such wonderful things. I love that they all hold special meaning to you.

    Loved seeing the old family photos along with your beautiful pitchers.

    Enjoy your weekend!
