Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Girls Own Annual

Thank you for stopping in again today my Friends! I am sharing with you my copy of The Girl's Own Annual. My Mother In Law had given it to me as she knew I would treasure it. It was her Aunt's and was given to her in 1913. 

It is full of great stitchery patterns and stories about life in the early 1900's.

My vintage crocheted pieces below are great examples of some of the patterns included in the Manual.

My intention was to add these pieces to some of our pillows but it has not happened yet but who knows... I may get it done this winter.

This section of the book shows how to crochet the top of a chemise as the next two examples show. The first nightgown is ankle length and has the crocheted trim on the bottom.

This piece has not been finished but again I am hoping to add the cotton section to finish the nightgown.

I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my treasured book. Thanks for leaving your comments! 


  1. Oh wow, I LOVE that book!!! What a treasure, Wanda...and I love the lace beautiful, my friend.

    My husband is doing better day by's a 3-month recuperation!

  2. A fantastic book in great condition. I have come across those crocheted chemise tops but they never seem to have a bottom. Maybe they were never finished or the bottom rotted away. LOL.

    YOur blog is always a vintage treat!

  3. Hi Wanda,

    How lovely that you were gifted this wonderful old Annual and love all the exquisite lace and pretty crocheted chemise tops.
    I have a beautiful old Annual of my Mothers too.

    Wishing you a great weekend

  4. Can you imagine a "modern day" girl having such a book, Cell phone use and computer. I do not believe girls today have ever seen a needle. Lot of Sissy love, Richard from My Old Historic House.

  5. What a wonderful book that is. I love crocheted lace. Your pieces are beautiful. How fun that you found the patterns in the book. I love just looking at my lace edgings, but I haven't used mine on anything yet either! Hope your weekend is great!

  6. How divine! I love vintage books, esp gardening books. I think it is wonderful to go back and look at things were done, useful tips for today. And it is even better that it was your Aunts!

  7. Hello,
    I visited your blog today - I saw you on 'Little Bear Studio.' Your blog is so pretty and charming. I have always loved the Victorian era. I used to have a few rooms in my home decorated in it. I noticed the silver tray on here. It reminded me of a silver tea set my mom used to have. Me and my daughters started a new blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would enjoy coming back to visit with you and seeing all your Victorian treasures. I hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  8. Hi Wanda,

    What a beautiful and very useful book! Those crochet patterns look really difficult. Your work looks like it came from a shop, so beautiful!! Looking forward to see the night dress when it is finished.

    Happy new week,

    Madelief x

  9. I love old books and always seem to pick them up to read when the power goes out-just seems like I'm living in the old days in my old house!

  10. Your crochet work is beautiful Wanda. How I wish I would have learned. I know it isn't too late, but I doubt that I could catch on very quickly. I love the chemise and the chemise tops you have made. I have purchased many of these myself and would like to someday get them done too.
    The book is really special. Isn't it great that you get to be the keeper of it now?
    I am wishing you a beautiful new week ahead.
    hugs from here...

  11. Dear Wanda, It's been a while since I have stopped by. I must come more often as I do love your Victorian 1885...Forgive me..
    The book is truly a treasure. You are very lucky to be it's new owner. Very nice..have a nice week and I shall visit again..

  12. Hello Wanda~What a great book and gift :) a real treasure for sure :)


  13. Oh my gosh! What an awesome book! You KNOW how much I love lace and crochet trim...this is a beautiful gift!

    Are you still lovin' your new place? Ever miss your old one?


  14. Hi Wanda,
    Oh gosh, I am so glad that you enjoyed the book. It is truly my heart and I feel so blessed to have written it..Wishing you a beautiful weekend and thank you so much for writing to me.~XO
